Why technology is ruining our lives


Technology is great in a huge aspect, it has A LOT of pros, but there are some cons as well.

GPS I would be lost without my GPS (literally, I probably would still be missing) when I started driving, I had to read maps…yeah I can’t figure that shit out. But once I got a GPS my life changed. I have a Tomtom, and I don’t know who the fuck Tomtom is, but he is clearly lurking for me in the middle of the woods. Many times my GPS will take me to a dead end, or to an entrance to a forest. What the fuck Tomtom, I’m not gonna fall for your tricks! I am turning around…immediately! Sometimes I like to not use my GPS and see if I can find my way home, sometimes I do…after a couple hours.

Internet I can never just wonder the answer to a question, I have to google it. If I am watching a movie, and I can’t figure out why that actor looks so familiar, I have to IMDB it. As much as I am obsessed with facebook, we have a love/hate relationship. I love being able to kill time while cyberstalking, but I can only imagine how much time I have actually wasted doing NOTHING. I want people to wonder what I am doing, what I look like, and who I am dating. But I don’t, and everyone knows my shit. I find myself scrolling through facebook, stalking peoples profiles that I don’t even like. I also refuse to add people as friends that I don’t know personally, that’s creepy as hell..aka Catfish. I’ve deleted my facebook several times, but I always come crawling back.

Cellphone I love my cellphone, but I also hate it too. You constantly have to check it to make sure someone important hasn’t called, texted, or emailed you. It’s so annoying! It’s very stressful if you think about it. Sure, it is super helpful in the fact that you can use it for emergency use, but other than that its pretty much a tracking device. Once again, I want people to wonder what I’m doing. Instead, they can just call/text me and ask. Now that we have exed the housephone, people can call you at any hour, it doesn’t matter. You can’t just ignore a phonecall, you have to call them or text them back. I would like to one day go without my cellphone…we’ll see about that one. I was without one for a week when a grown man stole my iphone a week after Christmas last year, and I felt lost without it. And really sad, because I paid for that expensive device.